M i n e r a l s
CarbonateCalcite (massive)
CaCO3 |
Most distinguishing features: Recognized by hardness and cleavage. Dolomite and aragonite have higher densities. Industrial/economical uses: Used in the manufacture of portland cement (quicklime). Also used as a pharmaceutical (antacids, calcium supplements). |
CarbonateCalcite (sparry)
CaCO3 Other names/forms: Iceland Spar |
Most distinguishing features: Hardness, crystal habit and twin striae are typical. Industrial/economical uses: Used in the manufacture of portland cement (quicklime) and in the pharmaceutical industry. |
SiO2 Other names/forms: Micro/Cryptocrystalline Quartz |
Most distinguishing features: Identified by hardness and texture/habit. Industrial/economical uses: Used for making glass and as a source of Silicon. |
Cu2S |
Most distinguishing features: Black colour with sooty appearance on weathered surfaces and sectile character are distinctive. Bronze-yellow on fresh surfaces. Industrial/economical uses: Mined as a source of copper. |
CuFeS2 |
Most distinguishing features: Distinctive brassy-green colour. Has a richer yellow colour than pyrite and a lower hardness. Industrial/economical uses: Mined for its copper which has innumerable industrial uses. |
(Mg,Fe,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2 |
Most distinguishing features: Colour and its low hardness are distinguishing characteristics. Industrial/economical uses: None, however chlorite schist sometimes does have ornamental uses. |
FeCr2O4 |
Most distinguishing features: Resembles magnetite and ilmenite, but not very magnetic and has a more resinous lustre. Industrial/economical uses: Only ore mineral for chromium. |
Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 Other names/forms: Serpentine |
Most distinguishing features: Habit and colour and most indicative properties. Industrial/economical uses: Used in 98% of world's production of asbestos. |
Native elementCopper
Cu |
Most distinguishing features: Colour and metallic characteristics are diagnostic. Industrial/economical uses: Used as electrical wire due to electrical conductivity and relatively low price. |
Al2O3 |
Most distinguishing features: Hardness is best indicator, crystal habit is good too. Industrial/economical uses: Used as a gemstone. High-quality ruby can be more valuable than diamond. Corundum is also used as an abrasive in sandpaper, polishing compounds, etc. |