Archive for the 'Mars Desert Research Station' Category
Monday, March 3rd, 2008
Today I was on the CBC Radio One program On the Coast again for a follow-up interview on my visit to the {en:Mars Desert Research Station} last month. Click below to download the MP3! On the Coast interview #2(3.9MB; 10 minutes, 11 seconds) Elsewhere in my blog you’ll find emails I sent to middle schools, […]
Categories: Mars Desert Research Station, My life, Space
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Friday, February 29th, 2008
Out of the almost three thousand photos and movies, I picked out the ones I think best sum up our Expedition Delta mission at the {en:Mars Desert Research Station} in February of 2008. Online photo galleries: My personal gallery124 photos with captions and comments Facebook gallery53 photos with captions; comments only if you’re on Facebook […]
Categories: Mars Desert Research Station, My life, Space
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Wednesday, February 13th, 2008
The following is last part of a series of five emails I sent to a local middle school during my visit to the Mars Desert Research Station as the crew geologist. Hello, Boy am I tired! Over the last few days I have done a lot of EVAs. Most of them are long too, usually […]
Categories: Mars Desert Research Station, My life, Space
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Monday, February 11th, 2008
The following is part four of a series of five emails I sent to a local middle school during my visit to the Mars Desert Research Station as the crew geologist. Good morning! Lots of people enjoy a good breakfast in the morning, and that doesn’t change for astronauts. The problem is that it costs […]
Categories: Mars Desert Research Station, My life, Space
Comments: 1 Comment
Friday, February 8th, 2008
The following is part three of a series of five emails I sent to a local middle school during my visit to the Mars Desert Research Station as the crew geologist. Hello! We have power back on now, and it looks like our power problems are a thing of the past. That can change quickly […]
Categories: Mars Desert Research Station, My life, Space
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Wednesday, February 6th, 2008
The following is part two of a series of five emails I sent to a local middle school during my visit to the Mars Desert Research Station as the crew geologist. Hello again, What an amazing two days! If anything can go wrong, it definitely will. Engineers are incredibly important to have around on space […]
Categories: Mars Desert Research Station, My life, Space
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Sunday, February 3rd, 2008
The following is part one of a series of five emails I sent to a local middle school during my visit to the Mars Desert Research Station as the crew geologist. Hello from Mars! I’m writing to you to tell you all about what it’s like to live and walk on the surface of another […]
Categories: Mars Desert Research Station, My life, Space
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